
We do a lot of work with clients for whom supporting good causes is an important part of their long-term planning. This can relate to the tax-efficiency of different ways of giving, using philanthropy as an educational tool for younger generations or as part of their Estate Plan.

We also support causes we believe in and our Charity of the Year is Kiva:

For more than 1.7 billion people around the world, the traditional banking system is out of reach. Kiva is a nonprofit organisation which aims to expand financial access to underserved communities. They do this by crowdfunding loans, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access. Kiva loans are life-changing. Kiva helps students invest in their education, supports female entrepreneurs, unlocks capital necessary for farmers to modernise their practices and enables families to achieve better quality of life through modern sanitation, safe and ecological housing and emergency care. 100% of funds lent on Kiva are used to fund loans.